Bach, Maskats and Lūsēns' premiere
Johann Sebastian Bach clearly anticipated the birth of the saxophone – this is the only way to explain the perfect match of the intensely warm timbre to the musical writings of the Baroque genius. This is vividly demonstrated in his early masterpiece “English Suites” where the delicacy of French court dances is wrapped in a rich Italian-style splendour of sound. This gem of grace, virtuosity, and musical wit has long been a cornerstone of the saxophone repertoire but will reach unprecedented heights of harmony at the Saxophonia festival. This will be ensured by the Latvian Radio Choir and the Riga Saxophone Quartet – the pillars of the festival, in whose hands every score achieves world-class excellence. Arturs Maskats’ bohemian nostalgic opus “Midnight in Riga”, which musically reimagines Woody Allen's charming comedy “Midnight in Paris” with images of 1930s Riga, will also take on a new sonic dimension. But the biggest intrigue of the evening – the premiere of Jānis Lūsēns' new work, where the delicate voice of Artis Sīmanis’ saxophone will meet the mighty power of Kristīne Adamaite's organ.
Four movements from Johann Sebastian Bach's English Suite, Artūrs Maskats' Pusnakts Rīgā (Midnight in Riga), Jānis Lūsēns' Concertino for Alto Saxophone and Organ (world premiere), Anders Hillborg “The Breathing of the World”, Barbara Thompson "Mirages".
Artis Sīmanis, saxophone
Māra Botmane, cello
Kristīne Adamaite, organ
Riga Saxophone Quartet: Baiba Tilhena, Ainars Šablovskis, Aigars Raumanis, Rūdolfs Pēteris Rubenis
Latvian Radio Choir
Conductor Kaspars Putniņš